Project Experience

University Course Registration System @JAVA EE

JAVA EE with JSF, Hibernate, Primefaces frameworks

This system is based on Southeast University course registration procedure. This system has lots of modules.

Library Management System @JAVA SE

JAN 2013 - DEC 2013

The Library Management System can install and use for any library. Main features are: Admin, Librarian, Student different panel. Auto count late fee by counting late days. Advanced book transaction system. Advanced book search and check book availability.

Online Tailoring Ecommerce Website @PHP

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

An ecommerce site where customer can buy the product online. The main features are: Customizable for any type of products. Product filter and search system. Advanced payment system. Backend Store Management


BSc. in CSE @Southeast University, Dhaka

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Passing Year: 2018

HSC @BN College Dhaka Cant., Dhaka

Group: Science

Passing Year: 201X

SSC @Mirpur Bangla High School, Dhaka

Group: Science

Passing Year: 201X


Library Management System @2nd position

Southeast University, CSE Fest 2016

This Library Management System was developed for SEU CSE Fest 2016 of the department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) at the Southeast University (SEU). This management system was awarded 2nd position on Project Showcasing Event.

Quadcopter @3rd position

Southeast University, CSE Fest 2016

A Quadcopter made by Synopsis team achieved 3rd position on project showcasing events in CSE Fest 2016 arranged by Department of CSE, Southeast University.


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